Unending Degredation

Krypts - Unending Degredation (2013)

Normally I am not in favor of the letter K replacing the letter C. It looks clumsy and inspires a stinky aesthetic that I'm not all that interested in. This band is from Finland though, they don't know any better. Know what they do know about? Death metal. Nasty, oppressive death metal. I mean, just look at Demigod. Those guys are gnarly. These guys are definitely not Demigod disciples but they're from the same country so listen to it anyway.


Salem's Pot

Salem's Pot - Watch Me Kill You/Run The Night (2013)

Behold, a horrifying cassette tape! Two sides and as many tracks lurk within oozing with evil psychedelia and lumbering riffs, maximum volume levels required. A miserable voice beckons you from beyond this mortal plane! Oh wait, it's just the tape. False alarm. Check it out for yourself for your named price that is probably zero you cheap piece of shit.
