Get Waste: 420 Stoner Riffs

While I'm not really into "weed culture", April 20th is a day for all true Hessian warriors to rise out of a sea of weed fog and unite. It's also an excuse to GET WASTE. So here I humbly bestow upon you a random collection of albums I will no doubt be listening to today. Many of these have probably been posted here before, but we both know you don't actually download anything I post. You just look at it and nod. Proceed the weedian.

Stonehelm - Stonehelm (2010)

Huge dumb riffs with huge dumb lyrics about smoking weed. Perfect. While this album lacks any true staying power that would make it a classic of the genre, it's definitely a lot of fun.

Black Sabbath - Master Of Reality (1971)

Arguably my favorite album by arguably the best band. If you don't like this album, or Black Sabbath, please stop reading my blog. You aren't wanted here.

Bongripper - Satan Worshiping Doom (2010)

Album of the year for me in 2010. I haven't been 'trapped in the riff' for quite as long by any other band. If you've never been trapped in a riff before, today is your day.

Queens of The Stone Age - Self Titled (1998)

Awesome rock album that I don't think they will ever top. While I definitely celebrate the entire catalogue, this is the obvious stand-out that I spin at least once a week.

Scientist - Scientist Rids the World of The Evil Curse Of The Vampires (1981)

Dub music for when the night is winding down. Yes, that is a group of Jamaicans on a pontoon boat battling Count Dracula, The Mummy, and Frankenstein with their riddim.

To Be Continued.....?


Andrei Gorchakov said...

Arguably my favorite album by arguably the best band. If you don't like this album, or Black Sabbath, please stop reading my blog. You aren't wanted here.